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2020-2025 Strategic Plan


Tacoma Community College has served the community since 1965. More than 500,000 students have earned their associate’s degree to transfer to a four-year university or professional-technical certificate to embark on a new career. Others have come to TCC to learn English, get high school and college credentials or start fresh. Many of our students are adult learners, or people who seek a better life and career through a college education. At TCC, our doors are always open and accessible to anyone who wishes to learn.

Much has changed since we opened the first college building in 1965. But our spirit has remained the same. At TCC, we are welcoming, supportive and committed to student success. This spirit is an important piece of us that continues to lead us into the future. 

Our New Strategic Plan

The 2020-2025 Strategic Plan will be TCC’s guide on how we will forge a strong future for our students and community.

A culmination of a year’s journey, students, staff and faculty came together in focus groups, a “Future Summit,” and work sessions to dream up ideas about what TCC can become in the next five years. This was a highly collaborative effort, where people from all disciplines and departments offered their voices, ideas and opinions, through a collective and intentional process.

This strategic plan is meant to have real impact on our college community. We developed the Core Themes, Goals, Objectives and Action Plans to not only drive our new mission and vision, but to improve TCC and position it well for the future. The Student Experience Statement emphasizes TCC’s most important audience: Our students. And our new Values are the heart and soul of what we do.

Our plan is exciting, fresh and new. It will set the agenda for TCC for the next five years as we build upon six decades of excellence of quality higher education.



 As the community’s college, we create meaningful learning, advance equity, and strengthen student and community success.



We are a premier community college where all students, faculty, staff, and community members are welcomed, appreciated, and valued.
We engage students where they are, leading to equitable opportunities for success in learning, life and work.
We foster vibrant, productive partnerships that benefit our students and strengthen our community.





Student Experience Statement

Tacoma Community College aims to provide a quality education exemplified by a transformative student experience. That student experience is characterized by:

  • an academically rigorous and relevant education that fosters a love of learning and personal growth;
  • a sense of belonging created through meaningful relationships with faculty and staff who reflect the diversity of the student body;
  • personalized and accessible support services that meet the individual needs of each student; and
  • clearly defined pathways to completion, transfer, and career placement.

Tacoma Community College faculty, staff, and administration support this experience with:

  • an inclusive and welcoming community dedicated to equitable educational outcomes for all students;
  • a student-ready institution equipped to serve all learners;
  • an ongoing commitment to eliminating barriers to student success; and
  • a culture reflecting compassion, respect, and continuous improvement in service of the local community.

Core Theme 1: Advancing Equity, Diversity and Inclusion

We empower students, faculty, and staff through equitable access to opportunities, knowledge, and resources.

Goal 1 and Objectives 
Goal 2 and Objectives 


Goal 1:

We are committed to equity, diversity, and inclusion by ensuring that our campus reflects our community.


  1. Increase and foster the diversity of our students, staff, and faculty.
  2. Celebrate and engage those who work and learn on our campus as well as those who live in our community.
  3. Implement best practices that advance institutional equity, diversity, and inclusion.



Goal 2:

We promote institutional responsibility, awareness, and direct action to dismantle systems of oppression. 


  1. Develop a shared understanding and common language that reflects our commitment to highlighting, disrupting, and ending systems of oppression.
  2. Promote intercultural engagement and reduce inequity and segregation among students, staff, and faculty, particularly those from historically marginalized groups.


Core Theme 2: Cultivating Exceptional Learning

We encourage and challenge students  to excel in a supportive teaching and learning environment.

Goal 1 and Objectives 
Goal 2 and Objectives
Goal 3 and Objectives 
Goal 4 and Objectives 


Goal 1:

We provide coherent pathways from college entry to completion, transfer, and employment.


  1. Create consistent curriculum and pathway maps to ensure students begin and complete their coursework.
  2. Build healthy and sustainable program and course offerings that meet the needs of our students and community.



Goal 2: 

Our faculty and staff strive for   teaching and learning excellence. 


  1. Review and revise curriculum, instructional, and institutional practices to optimize student success.
  2. Monitor academic progress to inform scheduling and advising policies and practices. 
  3. Develop intentional outcomes, assessment, and curriculum design. 
  4. Incorporate culturally relevant and inclusive instructional practices that allow students to see themselves represented across the curriculum.



Goal 3: 
We offer students relevant and timely resources to support their needs. 


  1. Develop and expand nonacademic resources such as housing, child care, nourishment and emergency assistance.
  2. Ensure that employees are informed of available resources for students both on and off campus.
  3. Create a communication system that allows students to receive the support they need when and how they need it.



Goal 4:
Students have equitable access   to onboarding, career cluster and specialization, technology, course   materials, and advising information. 


  1. Provide a comprehensive student services experience for current and prospective students accessing college information in person or online. 
  2. Develop a student support model that focuses on engagement  and excellence in service. 
  3. Develop a student advising model that allows students to obtain accurate and timely information. 
  4. Increase access to technology and course materials.

Core Theme 3: Strengthening Community Partnerships 

The College and the community thrive from intentionally sustained community partnerships

Goal 1 and Objectives 
Goal 2 and Objectives 
Goal 3 and Objectives 
Goal 4 and Objectives 


Goal 1:
We establish and enhance   partnerships that promote student success.


  1. Develop partnerships that allow for student career exploration. 
  2. Support partnerships with local school districts, community organizations, and other agencies to improve pathways into our school. 
  3. Strengthen partnerships with employers and four-year institutions.


Goal 2: 
We provide the necessary training   and education that our community needs. 


  1.  Establish ourselves as the first-choice option for post-secondary education to local high school students. 
  2. Provide first-rate educational opportunities for community members who are unemployed, underemployed, or can benefit from a post-secondary education.


Goal 3:
Students experience equitable work-based learning and employment opportunities on and off campus. 


  1. Become known among employers as the college of choice for employees and future leaders. 
  2. Create a sustainable model of work-based learning to continually advance a future career-ready population.



Goal 4:
The College and the community  thrive through established local and global partnerships.


  1. Create a centralized community partnership development system. 
  2. Establish our institution as an innovative regional center for the arts, athletics, cultural events, and civic engagement. 
  3. Promote academic and student services to local and global partners.


Core Theme 4: Enhancing Institutional Vitality

We build toward a sustainable future  by anticipating and meeting the needs of our community. 

Goal 1 and Objectives 
Goal 2 and Objectives 


Goal 1: 
We sustain and support current and new initiatives.


  1. Promote a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship. 
  2. Develop educational opportunities to support underserved communities. 
  3. Create a fundraising campaign focused on the needs  of the College and its students. 
  4. Implement a comprehensive strategic enrollment management plan.


Goal 2: 
We promote sustainable practices. 


  1. Strengthen environmental sustainability practices. 
  2. Ensure faculty, staff, and students make best use of current resources.

Our Team

Sopang Men, Professor, Communication and Transitional Studies
Ashley Caughell, Program Specialist, TCC Athletics 
Analea Brauburger, Dean, Organizational Learning and Effectiveness
Tamyra Howser, Executive Director, Marketing + Communications

Coordinator: Kristen Lawson

Leadership Team: Ivan Harrell, Bill Ryberg, Karl Smith, Judy Loveless-Morris, Patty McCray-Roberts, Marissa Schlesinger

Team Leads: Patrick Brown, Lynette Crumity, Jennifer Fountain, Mary Fox, Char Gore, Katie Gulliford, Dolores Haugen, Stephen Johns, Kelli Johnston, Judy Loveless-Morris, Sharon Rivera, Stephen Smith, Christopher Soran, Katrina Taylor, Candice Watkins

Strategic Planning Committee: Iyad Alaqrabawi; Susan Bennet; Julie Benson; Amber Brock; Walter Chien; Sabine Endicott; John Falskow; Steven Fontana; Krista Fox; Ralph Hitz; Dave Howard; Phil Hunter; Victoria Ichungwa; Joanne Iverson; Melanie Johnson; Clay Krauss; Meredith LaFlesh; Denise Levine; Sarah Lewandowski-Noble; Patricia Mede; James Mendoza; Sakura Moses; James Newman; Mary Jane Oberhofer; Carlos Otero; Scott Perkins; Kenneth Pimpleton; Shannon Pressley; Nora Price; Katy Ray; James Reisdorf; Kelley Sadler; Sultana Shabazz; Amunoo Tembo; Stephanie Thompson; Heather Urschel; Kim Ward; Angela Wheeler

CampusWorks, Inc: Liz Murphy and Kevin David


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